Aiic Un Agreement

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AIIC UN Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

The AIIC UN Agreement is an important document that lays out the terms and conditions of interpretation services provided by the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) to the United Nations. The agreement is essential to ensuring high-quality and accurate interpretation services at UN meetings, conferences, and other events.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the AIIC UN Agreement, including its scope, key provisions, and benefits for both parties involved.

Scope of the AIIC UN Agreement

The AIIC UN Agreement covers the provision of interpretation services by AIIC members to the United Nations, including its various bodies, agencies, and programs. The agreement applies to all types of interpretation, including simultaneous, consecutive, and whispered interpretation, as well as any other type of interpretation that may be required.

Key Provisions of the AIIC UN Agreement

The AIIC UN Agreement is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of provisions related to interpretation services. Some key provisions of the agreement include:

1. Quality Standards: The AIIC UN Agreement requires that interpretation services meet the highest quality standards. Interpreters are expected to have the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to provide accurate and effective interpretation services.

2. Confidentiality: Interpreters are bound by strict confidentiality requirements and are not allowed to disclose any information about the content of the meetings or events they interpret.

3. Rates and Fees: The AIIC UN Agreement sets out the rates and fees that AIIC members can charge for their interpretation services. These rates are negotiated between AIIC and the United Nations and are revised periodically.

4. Working Conditions: The AIIC UN Agreement also covers working conditions for interpreters, including rest periods, working hours, and other related issues.

Benefits of the AIIC UN Agreement

The AIIC UN Agreement provides numerous benefits to both AIIC members and the United Nations. Some of the key benefits include:

1. High-Quality Services: The AIIC UN Agreement ensures that interpretation services provided by AIIC members meet the highest quality standards, which helps to ensure accurate and effective communication at UN meetings and events.

2. Fair Rates and Fees: The agreement provides a fair framework for negotiating rates and fees, which helps to ensure that interpreters are paid fairly for their services.

3. Professional Development: The AIIC UN Agreement also provides opportunities for professional development for AIIC members, as they are able to work on a wide range of UN-related events and hone their skills in different areas.


The AIIC UN Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of interpretation services provided by AIIC members to the United Nations. By ensuring high-quality interpretation services, strict confidentiality, fair rates, and professional development opportunities, the agreement benefits both parties involved and helps to facilitate effective communication at UN meetings and events.


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